Oliverio Tours

Cartagena de Indias

The historic center of Cartagena, «The Walled City», was declared a National Heritage Site of Colombia in 1959, while in 1984, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee included it in the world heritage list as «Port, Fortress and Monumental Complex of Cartagena de Indias».

This city has a magic that is beyond the official declaration of its virtues: Cartagena has the ability to fall in love, even more, to bewitch with its charms not only its sporadic visitors, but also those who daily live with it, with its dazzling days nights … full of sun of its twilights, and sea, with the serene splendor wonderful chromaticism of its i That feeling of stopped time, of sweet and quiet aesthetic drunkenness that we can live when breathing its clear evening air, when contemplating its seafaring sky on a starry night, when walking along one of its beautiful beaches or one of its picturesque streets …; or to enjoy a time of nightlife in one of those cozy corners located on the walls, while perhaps a music of voluptuous Caribbean cadences sounds, in the middle of a darkly blue sky, adorned by a moon whose brightness rhymes over the soft waves of the sea …, is indefinable. An experience like this resists being described with the poor eloquence of words: you just have to live it.


Sofitel, Casa San Agustin , Charleston Santa Teresa, Sofitel, Dubai, Dorado, Cartagena Premium.

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