
Oliverio Tours


Called the “branch of the sky” or “Sucursal del Cielo”, geographically it is located in the Cauca River Valley formed by the western mountain range and the central mountain range of the Andean Region, with an average height of 1000 meters above sea level. It is the only major city in Colombia that has quick access to the Pacific Ocean.

The climate and the relief, make the city a space of great natural wealth.

Santiago de Cali is one of the oldest cities in Colombia and the Americas. 

Cali has been an area of archaeological interest since pre-Columbian times. While many Amerindian peoples in the region have a direct relationship with Carib families, the likelihood of ancient Mesoamerican cultural incursions is also analyzed. Near Cali there are archaeological remains of the Calima Culture, belonging to the Caribbean language family.

Known as the salsa capital of the world, the trajectory and history of rhythm, has made Cali position itself around the world. The salsa schools of Cali have managed with their talent to win national and international dance competitions, showing a unique style. 

The gastronomy is influenced by Spain because its first inhabitants were originally from that country. They, who were recognized landowners in the area, are responsible for having turned the region into an excellent agricultural territory, as well as one of the most prestigious places in Colombia in terms of gastronomy.

Likewise, the vast majority of its dishes show the delicious contributions of Afro-Colombian culture as a result of the proximity that these lands have with the coasts. In addition to having the fusion of Spanish and black cultures, it is fortunate to have a privileged geographical location that allows it to house between 25 and 50 percent of the fauna species and 11 percent of the country’s flora species, which further enriches its gastronomy. The city has a variety of gourmet restaurants.

Santiago de Cali is the city for medical tourism: it has a wide range of medical and self-care activities led by nationally and internationally recognized entities, which provide specialized pre and post surgical services, thanks to its optimal infrastructure and highly trained professionals.

The excellent results obtained by patients and the competitive costs compared to other destinations in the world, have consolidated Cali as an attractive destination for the realization of various interventions; aesthetic medicine, ophthalmology, dentistry, otolaryngology, plastic surgery, bariatric, gynecology, vascular, maxillofacial, physical conditioning, spa and relaxation, specialized food, accommodation, reconstruction, microsurgeries, therapies, laser treatments, accompaniment, alternative medicine, among others; are part of the city’s offer.  


Spiwak, Marriott, Dann Carlton.

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