Oliverio Tours

Valle del Cauca

The Valle del Cauca covers a territory that goes from the Pacific coast and continues east past the Cordillera Occidental, the valley of the Cauca River to the Cordillera Central, where it reaches its limits with the department of Tolima.

They are more than 10 thousand square kilometers that remained free of colonization until 1,535 with the arrival of the Spanish conquerors.

Touring the Valley is a pleasure. The smell of cane guarapo and freshly brewed coffee harmonizes with the taste of delicacies made from milk and sugar that give renown to the ‘sweet route of Colombia’. Valle del Cauca is located between the Andean and Pacific regions. It is made up of 42 municipalities, each with its own identity. It also has the greatest potential that a department can have, its people, proud to be vallecaucana. The plurality of its culture characterizes this land diverse in traditions and customs. The department of Valle is divided into several zones: The North Zone: coffee zone of Valle del Cauca, which is considered by some as the second most fertile extension of land in the whole country. Its landscape offers beautiful hills with vast coffee plantations around it, typical of the influence of Quindío, Risaralda and Caldas, bordering departments in its northern part. The Centro area: it is the biodiverse zone of Valle del Cauca, because there you can observe birds and other animals such as chigüiros, tapirs and spectacled bears. It is an ideal place to grow sorghum, sugar cane, cotton and coffee. This region is the number one in the world in variety of hanging plants and vines. The South zone: it is the sweet zone of the Valley, since the largest sugar mills have their headquarters there; it is the business and industrial center thanks to the fertility of its lands and the hard-working character of its population. This place stands out for the heat of the salsa that is felt more than anywhere else and for the spectacle given by the variety of diurnal butterflies, the largest in the world.

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